For Employers
For Students

Exceptional Internships Start Here

Hire rigorously vetted, job-ready talent with industry-leading EQ assessments

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600+ companies and 1000+ schools have created exceptional internships with Folio

Build a world-class talent pipeline

Folio makes it easy to launch and manage exceptional internship programs. Assess job-readiness with custom or expert-create soft and hard skill assessments, schedule interviews, hire, onboard, pay, and manage interns—all in one seamless platform.

Streamline interviews, assessments, hiring, and back office operations

Spend less time reviewing applications and more time nurturing top candidates. Use Folio to facilitate soft and hard skill assessments, schedule interviews, onboard, and pay interns.

Connect your talent pool

Access billions of wage subsidies for your internship program

Folio helps you access billions in new wage subsidies from federal and state governments, schools, and private foundations. Our experts take the lead to secure your available funds.

Start saving

Source subsidized, job-ready talent from the Folio community

Hire from our community of 3 million work-study eligible interns and recent graduates from 1,000+ schools. Search by skills, location, or specific requirements to find the perfect fit for your team. Just ~10% of applicants pass Folio assessments and 80% receive full-time offers post internship.

Source exceptional talent
Source Talent

Exceptional internships, made effortless

Don't have the capacity to run an internship program? Partner with Folio to design, launch and manage your program at a fraction of the cost.

Save ~50% on intern wages

Folio helps you access billions in new wage subsidies from federal and state governments, schools, and private foundations. Our experts take the lead to secure your available funds.

Access wage subsidies
Design, launch and manage an exceptional internship program

Source job-ready interns, create custom assessments and practice projects, schedule interviews, evaluate candidates' skills & performance. Then hire, onboard, pay, and manage interns—all in one seamless workflow. Folio can also act as the employer of record, if desired.

Streamline your program

600+ companies and 1000+ schools have created exceptional internships with Folio

Our Folio intern has been an absolute game changer and has now firmly planted herself as the Head of Product Design for Dune. Couldn't be more grateful for this amazing resource for Dune!
David DellaPelle

David DellaPelle

Co-founder & CEO of Dune Security


Start building your internship program today

Sign up to explore our database of job-ready, subsidy-eligible interns or speak with our team to get started.
